halloween collection patterns revealed
Come Halloween, your striped stockings are laid out and your jack o lanterns are flickering on your front porch. This is a collection of both Pendleton wool and eco-friendly handbags that were made right here in Portland, OR. This ensures they are the best quality handbag during your spooky season. Now, you just need to decide what kind of witch to be this year! Find your pattern now!
Black Cats, Doing Halloween whimsy big this year! This pattern comes from Joanna Parker Designs to bring you the best quality eco-friendly handbag. Playing up the playful nature of Halloween these spooky kitty candy carriers are surrounded by stars and yummy candy corn. I know! Not everyone loves candy corn but I LOVE THEM!
The Pendleton wool pattern of orange and black pattern is the witch’s classic striped stocking. If you can’t remember being anything except a witch at Halloween, then this is your magical pattern. If you're not in striped stockings with your favorite black dress on, then you're not celebrating Halloween! This Pendleton purse is handmade right here in Portland, OR to ensure your bespoke spooky handbag has the best quality manufacturing.
Bring out your magical self during the Halloween season with the handbag pattern that speaks to you. Will it be the classic Pendleton wool or the delightfully wicked Black Cat eco-friendly canvas handbag? This collection arrives the first week of September with extremely limited quantities as these were designed to be bespoke pieces for the hearts of Halloween lovers.
Believe in the magic of the season.